A conversation with son
The meaning of life

What is the Meaning of Life?


This was a conversation I had with my 11-year-old son. I asked him, "Do you know the meaning of your life?"

He responded, "No." I then asked, "How long do you think you're going to live?" He guessed, "Maybe 60?"

I smiled and said, “If you’re extremely lucky, you might live up to 100. But the point is, you’re here for a finite amount of time. One day, like everyone else, you’ll pass away. Now, what do you think are the basic needs of a human being?”

He responded, “Food, shelter, clothing, education, health, transportation.”

“That’s right,” I said, “and don’t forget about entertainment. For your generation, you might even add the internet and your phone. You’re one of the fortunate ones whose every need is met. But think about it: You’re consuming resources from this world, and someone else could be using these same resources if they were in your place. You could easily have been born into a poor family, struggling to meet even your basic needs. So, you’re privileged. You’re a consumer, and even the air you’re breathing is part of that consumption. Do you think you were sent into this world only to consume?”

I paused to let the idea sink in, then continued, “You’ll grow up, finish school, get a job or start a business, marry someone, have children, eventually retire, and grow old. You’ll enjoy your life along the way. Then, like everyone else, you’ll die. Over time, people will forget you even existed. So, what do you think is the real purpose of your life?”

He looked thoughtful and answered, “To give back?”

“Exactly,” I said. “The purpose of your life is to contribute back to the world in whatever way you can. That’s what will make your life meaningful. You’re not just here to consume. You’re here to contribute as well. You’ve been given privileges and time—use them wisely. Do you understand?”

He nodded and said, “Yes. Now, can you unlock the iPad for me?”

I laughed and replied, “Okay, yes.”


In the midst of such deep conversations, children often bring us back to everyday life in the most humorous ways. But the point remains: life’s meaning is found not just in what we take from the world, but in what we give back. We each have a finite time, and the choice to contribute is what turns that time into something truly valuable.

Tashfin Delwar

<p>Tech entrepreneur, Co-founder and CEO of Kotha - Bangladesh's first and only social media and marketplace platform, 100% made in Bangladesh. National ICT award winner. 20+ years of experience in Tech industry.</p>