Tashfin Delwar

AI will not replace you, a person using AI will


Santiago has this quote pinned in his profile on X.

I have been following AI developments for the last few months and it’s incredible pace of development, nothing I have seen before. Last few years blockchain, crypto, NFT, web3, Metaverse made headlines. But Artificial Intelligence overshadowed them all. They way it is fast evolving, is kind of scary. I think it will surpass Moore’s Law on microchip and will be 10 times more powerful than previous year. That’s my prediction.

For a country like Bangladesh, where freelancing has become a source of main income for hundreds of thousands of young people, rapid advancement of technology is a threat, unless they can adopt it. I hope this realization will come sooner, rather than later. With the advancement of large language models, from content creation to SEO to repetitive tasks will require less human involvement. These jobs will move to people who are familiar with AI and who learned how to use these tools to improve their productivity. So if you are reading this, do look for AI tools that can help in your profession.

I will just give one very small example which saved me a few hours today (which I am using to write this blog). I am the kind of person, who always look for to trade money with time. So I usually delegate repetitive or documentation tasks to my staff.

Today, I had this document with a long list of feature requirements, a pdf file. My task was to review each feature and comment on it. For this I usually tell my staff to arrange the data in tabular format so that I can work on it. Instead of doing so, I used ChatGPT to do the work for me. I first converted the pdf to html. Then I uploaded the HTML in ChatGPT code interpreter and typed this prompt: “convert the text in the file into an excel file. Match the format heading 2 and heading 3 and put the starting number of them in first column. Match the format heading 2 and heading 3 and put them in second column. The corresponding regular text will go to third column.” and voilà, got my excel file arranged perfectly.

In conclusion, we need more awareness to create more and more skilled workforce. The days for unskilled and semi-skilled workforce are numbered. They will be replaced by AI enabled robots and machines. But that will create opportunity for skilled group of people. The early you learn to adapt, the better for you.

Questions/Comments ? tashfin@kotha.app, @tashfind at X

Tashfin Delwar

Tech entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience. Co-founder and CEO of Kotha - made in Bangladesh.